Friday, June 28, 2019

Donald Trump, Meet President Harris

Two big stories dominate the news today. One is Donald Trump hanging out with his “Thug of the Month Club” pal, Vladimir Putin. When asked if he would tell Putin not to meddle in our elections, Trump turned to his thug-buddy and jokingly said, “Don’t meddle in our election.” Putin smiled.

And now, let us wait with bated breath for Mitch McConnell and all those other honorable Republicans to denounce Trump for his treason…

Okay, never mind.

The other big story is the Democratic debates and the rise of Kamala Harris. It’s pronounced  KAH-muh-luh. 
The good news is it’s not as hard to say as Buttigieg! I suggest we start practicing now, cuz we don’t want to mispronounce our next president’s name and Kamala might well be it.

There has been a lot of talk about Joe Biden’s lead in the polls and, like most everyone else, I like Joe. But he would not be my first choice to be president from among the 24 Democrats now vying for the post. Nor would he be my second choice, nor…okay, you know what I mean. He’s a good guy, but, in last night’s debate he said at one point, “My time is up,” and I think that may be the case. But, truth to tell, any of the Democratic candidates would make a far better president than the lying liar we have now, even Marianne California-Dreamin’ Williamson.

But Kamala Harris has been my favorite for a while now, and last night she really showed everyone how it’s done. Strong, smart, and smoldering with the killer instinct. Who wouldn’t love to see her up against that mendacious blowhard that the GOP has made its centerpiece?

I realize that the election is about 16 months away and a lot can happen between now and then. But nevertheless, I am going to put forward, with reckless disregard for the capriciousness of the fates, my suggested personnel for a President Harris administration.

Vice President: Mitch Landrieu – because he’s great - not because his New Orleans accent makes me homesick for the Crescent City, but that’s also a positive

Secretary of State: Julián Castro – his Marshall Plan for Central America – yes!

Secretary of Defense: James Stavridis – a veteran of the best kind

Attorney General – Stacey Abrams – to go after the voting irregularities that now plague us

Treasury Secretary - Amy Klobuchar - I trust her

Labor Secretary – Andrew Yang -  he is so right about the automation threat

HUD Secretary – Cory Booker – his world and he knows it well

Ambassador to the UN – Pete Buttigieg – Yes, Putin, cool gay couples are here to stay

EPA Director Philip Levine - he defended Miami Beach from the rising seas brought on by the climate crisis

Anyway, go for it, Democrats. You are reminding us all what debates in a genuinely democratic society should be like - intelligent, respectful, and issues-focused.

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