Wednesday, December 19, 2018

What's That Smell?

On November 28, 2016, shortly after that year’s disastrous election, I wrote that those who believed Donald Trump could be transmogrified into an honest and worthy public servant by the dignity of the Oval Office were surely mistaken. I predicted that “our beloved White House, this architectural emblem of American democracy, this former residence of Abraham Lincoln, this site where Franklin Roosevelt hosted Winston Churchill as they worked out their strategy for victory in World War II, this elegant mansion -- will, for the next few years, be filled with a skunkish stink.”

And all I can say now is “Pee-yoo!”

I expected that Trump presidency to be Horrible, Horrible, Horrible. But it turns out I underestimated its Horribleness. Not even I thought Trump was such a pathetic jerk that he would rob from his so-called “charity” to pay his son’s seven-dollar Boy Scout dues. Good God. A small token gesture with a powerfully putrid implication.

So, is American democracy doomed because of Trump? Certainly, many of our European allies have worries along those lines, as was revealed this week by the hacked emails of EU diplomats. Among their concerns is Trump’s negative attitude toward Europe’s democracies (but not toward Putin!), an attitude which “had created a lot of insecurity.”

But maybe our democracy will survive Trump after all. I say this because of the comments of Judge Emmet Sullivan in what was supposed to be Michael Flynn’s sentencing hearing yesterday. Though Fox News hosts were drooling all day Monday over the possibility that the Reagan-appointed judge would toss out the charges against Flynn or otherwise throw shade on Robert Mueller, nothing of the sort happened. Instead Judge Sullivan spent almost two hours berating Flynn for the lack of patriotism and the tawdry character that his actions revealed. General Flynn served on the Trump election team – he was the one who led the “Lock her up!” chants against Clinton at the GOP convention – and later was appointed by Donald Trump as the National Security Advisor. Yes, this dishonest, self-serving man is the individual Trump appointed to oversee our national security, mainly, it seems, because the general hated Hillary Clinton and openly admired Donald Trump

Now that every organization associated with Trump is under investigation, it is heartening to know that there are people like Judge Sullivan who believe our democracy and its key institutions are worth preserving. Certainly, the people running Fox News don’t believe this and neither do Mitch McConnell and other members of the Republican leadership. They know Trump is a crook, but he’s a crook that can benefit them, so he gets a pass. 
My friend Jonathan put it thus in a recent email:

“As for the Republicans in Congress and for those in his administration. They are like hordes of great blood filled deer ticks on an aging moose. They are getting what they need from their host — tax cuts, deregulation, judges, lower immigration — and are just along for the ride. They will hop off when the moose falls and wait for the next large ungulate to come along.”

Well said, Jonathan: cogent, vivid, and true.

So the stench of corruption wafts from the White House to the GOP leadership and throughout the offices of the Fox “News” corporation. But, the good news is that if we can continue to count on key officials who believe in our democracy and the rule of law, officials like Robert Mueller and Judge Sullivan, our democracy should survive. In that case, maybe we will be all right after all.

                              Judge Emmet G. Sullivan

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